OTP(One Time Programable的简称)是MCU的一种存储器类型,意思是一次性可编程:环 芯 公司将程序烧入IC后,将不可再次更改和;因此OTP语音芯片就是指一次性烧录的语音IC。OTP (One Time Programmable) is a type of memory in MCU, which means one-time programmable: after the program is burned into the IC by Huanxin Company, it cannot be changed again; Therefore, OTP voice chip refers to a one-time burned voice IC.
MCUs can be classified into MASK (Mask) ROM, OTP (One Time Programmable) ROM, FLASH ROM, and other types based on their memory types. The MCU price of MASK ROM is cheap, but the program is already fixed at the factory, making it suitable for applications where the program remains unchanged; The MCU program of FALSH ROM can be repeatedly erased and written, with strong flexibility, but the price is relatively high, suitable for applications that are not price sensitive or for development purposes; The MCU price of OTP ROM is between the first two, and it also has one-time programmable capability, which is suitable for applications that require both flexibility and low cost, especially electronic products that require continuous functional renovation and rapid mass production.
The advantages of Taitong Semiconductor OTP voice IC are: no mask fee, short delivery time, built-in resistors, no peripheral components, and only a 104 capacitor is needed for the circuit
